jeudi 27 janvier 2011

Preparing Pro Tour Paris and GP Paris

Hi there!

It will soon be time for the biggest magic event ever!

Imagine a week including a last chance, a pro tour and a grand prix.
This is completely sick right?
5 days of fun, even better than the greeks ;)

But before that it will be time to have a little fun in the Mirrodin Besiege pre-realease this week end.
I haven't tried to look too much into it, I'll play phyrexia juste because I want to get some cards.
I don't really care :)

The most important things right now is preparing our decks for the pro tour, and the next PTQ.

I'm trying to go for a GW token deck. I've tried various pretty interesting Merfolk decks (UW pre besiege, UB post besiege).

It's pretty good against fea, I tried a version with the 8 lords and 4 grand architects. Pretty awesome for a beatdown!

Against jund it depends. Usually it's a correct matchup, the White one beeing better with sigg which if he stays alive is game.
My last version of jund for the PTQ poitier was complete trash, I didn't had time to test it and I shouldn't have played it. Cobra lotus never was and never will be good in jund.

Good luck to everyone for Paris!

samedi 8 janvier 2011

First Extended PTQ

Okay tomorow is the first french PTQ for Nagoya!

I've been looking for a deck to play the last 2 weeks or so.
I know the field pretty well, but still I wasn't sure what the french metagame will look like.

Probably a lot of fearies. Heard there should be a lot of wargate omen and some people I know will play ooze.

Before the results of the Magic Online PTQ I was really going to play Gerry Thomson's wagate list.
Well with a few changes since I wanted to put 2 vendillon main deck and maybe less mana leaks.

But right now, we made a nice Jund list.
We started with ""ch0b1"'s list. We really liked the Fauna Shaman and Demi God Of Revenge.
We were first going for the land destruction plan, removing the anathemancer for 4 Fulminator Mage and 4 goblin ruinblaster.

We then got back to anathemancer but wanted to do things differently. Instead of classic putrid leech we went to another turn 2. It was played a bit before, probably stopped cause it's not the best cascade we can do, but could still be pretty powerfull in this field : Lotus Cobra.

We also put thoughtseize main deck, 4 of them let's not be shy. So we could now use a lot of mana and preferably efficiently.
We can put tap land and still play a turn 4 or 5, we can play a fetch land and do a turn 3 demi god. We can put a turn 3 bloddbraid. A turn 3 mana turn 3 and then still have mana to bolt something away or thoughtseize your oponent.
On the paper it's really strong, and in tests it fares clearly well.

So tomorrow's gonna be a nice 100 people or so PTQ and since I already made 3 9th-10th place by have bad ties last season, this time I'm gonna qualify right away :)

Wish me luck!