At least it's over and my girlfriend is happy to get me back.
Even though it was in Paris, I had to wake up one hour earlier and would come home everyday aroung 11pm (while telling everyone that I could not go karaoke/drink/whatever with them).
Coulnd't get in the PT at the last chance but 2 friends got in so it's cool anyway. Had a freaking bad sealed deck, and I had opened 8 of them before to train.
Tried to affiliate my deck thanks to Jeremy Dezani for the standard battle for mirrodin challenge. Not very hard to cut wurmcoil, black sun zenith and massacre wurm to be full mirran. But you still loose a lot.
Dropped after loosing the Julien Parez current French champion. A Pretty friendly fellow. And far better than I heard.
GP :
With only 1 bye thanks to my bad extended PTQ I had less time to play before the rounds.
Started with a nice 4-0 beating a friend round 4.
I missplayed and lost round 5.
I played against a really slow deck trying to sleep with walls (wasn't playing green) and kill with the 3/5 metalcraft and bombs. After a long game 1 which ended in : "the first who'll draw something else than a land will win", I thought I could take him over by the air in the next ones.
Worked game 2, but failed game 3. I clearly should have brought in the 3/1 artifact that can prevent creatures from blocking it. This way I would be able to make the last 3-4 damages I was missing to win it.
So after this 4-0 start, I was at 4-1, than 4-2 (got killed by a mirrorworks followed by 6 artifacts top decks, and a really aggro start game 2).
I won an easy match than got to play against a good belgian player who got me out of the GP. Played the last one for fun and won it against a really nice man.
I played a lot during the previous week end made 5 drafts so I learned a lot. The draft format is pretty nice.
About the draft format :
For those who still don't know, the besiege boosters contains 5 mirran cards, 5 phyrexian cards and then 2/1 in unco.
This is really helpfull when you try to understand the signals.
It helps knowing if you can go infect or not, since otherwise it's pretty difficult thanks to the pretty high numbers of infect creatures in each boosters.I think it's pretty good for people with less experience in drafts and who usually have trouble reading signals.
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