jeudi 27 janvier 2011

Preparing Pro Tour Paris and GP Paris

Hi there!

It will soon be time for the biggest magic event ever!

Imagine a week including a last chance, a pro tour and a grand prix.
This is completely sick right?
5 days of fun, even better than the greeks ;)

But before that it will be time to have a little fun in the Mirrodin Besiege pre-realease this week end.
I haven't tried to look too much into it, I'll play phyrexia juste because I want to get some cards.
I don't really care :)

The most important things right now is preparing our decks for the pro tour, and the next PTQ.

I'm trying to go for a GW token deck. I've tried various pretty interesting Merfolk decks (UW pre besiege, UB post besiege).

It's pretty good against fea, I tried a version with the 8 lords and 4 grand architects. Pretty awesome for a beatdown!

Against jund it depends. Usually it's a correct matchup, the White one beeing better with sigg which if he stays alive is game.
My last version of jund for the PTQ poitier was complete trash, I didn't had time to test it and I shouldn't have played it. Cobra lotus never was and never will be good in jund.

Good luck to everyone for Paris!

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